Problem ID | A |
Problem Name | Антиуфология |
Tests | 1-12 |
Time limit | 2 sec |
Memory limit | 64 mb |
Test #
| Outcome | Comment | Score |
1 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
2 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
3 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
4 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
5 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
6 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
7 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
8 | OK | 8 of 8 | |
9 | WA | Ошибка в числе #49987Требовалось 8770.61268127211, а получено 8770.6125 | 0 of 9 |
10 | OK | 9 of 9 | |
11 | OK | 9 of 9 | |
12 | OK | 9 of 9 |
Points: 91 of 100
Problem ID | B |
Problem Name | Путешествие одинокого короля |
Tests | 1-17 |
Time limit | 2 sec |
Memory limit | 64 mb |
Test #
| Outcome | Comment | Score |
1 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
2 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
3 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
4 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
5 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
6 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
7 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
8 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
9 | OK | That's ok: -1 vs -1 | 4 of 4 |
10 | OK | That's ok: -1 vs -1 | 4 of 4 |
11 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
12 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 5 |
13 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 6 |
14 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 9 |
15 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 9 |
16 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 9 |
17 | WA | There is a way, but you didn't find it | 0 of 9 |
Points: 8 of 100
Problem ID | C |
Problem Name | Построение |
Tests | 1-35 |
Time limit | 2 sec |
Memory limit | 64 mb |
Test #
| Outcome | Comment | Score |
1 | OK | 1 | 1 of 1 |
2 | OK | 1 | 1 of 1 |
3 | OK | 0 | 1 of 1 |
4 | OK | 1 | 1 of 1 |
5 | OK | 2 | 1 of 1 |
6 | OK | 2 | 1 of 1 |
7 | OK | 1 | 1 of 1 |
8 | OK | 1 | 1 of 1 |
9 | OK | 0 | 1 of 1 |
10 | OK | 5 | 1 of 1 |
11 | WA | expected: "966071022", found: "124909557475791" | 0 of 3 |
12 | WA | expected: "17855089", found: "934605748" | 0 of 3 |
13 | WA | expected: "62122393", found: "349391322036522151" | 0 of 3 |
14 | WA | expected: "385012036", found: "1459570973929" | 0 of 3 |
15 | WA | expected: "1578541221", found: "4150489693607469576" | 0 of 3 |
16 | WA | expected: "115109438", found: "8634525725602619825" | 0 of 3 |
17 | WA | expected: "22773095054", found: "7045869000966" | 0 of 3 |
18 | WA | expected: "48232492384974620", found: "7852036697167505524" | 0 of 3 |
19 | WA | expected: "232881182897647", found: "-8180757648295244864" | 0 of 3 |
20 | WA | expected: "223670243106", found: "-6201327883341181042" | 0 of 3 |
21 | WA | expected: "2318546351856967", found: "1461200256497327966" | 0 of 3 |
22 | WA | expected: "370632518254623425", found: "7156905341869782526" | 0 of 3 |
23 | WA | expected: "341347290824", found: "-6435119582601158488" | 0 of 3 |
24 | WA | expected: "33064518857860", found: "9167031904757792" | 0 of 3 |
25 | WA | expected: "166661666700000", found: "-6077648654991252319" | 0 of 3 |
26 | WA | expected: "0", found: "893580" | 0 of 3 |
27 | WA | expected: "4131537264509826201", found: "5747061252838159304" | 0 of 4 |
28 | WA | expected: "163885141076508", found: "7815635691237312046" | 0 of 4 |
29 | WA | expected: "1305043285995073706", found: "7802487962003798601" | 0 of 4 |
30 | WA | expected: "782294738518325468", found: "-3605803607044358027" | 0 of 5 |
31 | WA | expected: "20653857055000", found: "-7301467300646828315" | 0 of 5 |
32 | WA | expected: "2329406065", found: "84008151683760" | 0 of 5 |
33 | WA | expected: "1362511682558211593", found: "2079915036166056197" | 0 of 5 |
34 | WA | expected: "4454537878648229", found: "2509031253311829014" | 0 of 5 |
35 | WA | expected: "3216252595912409197", found: "-7387091692698455007" | 0 of 5 |
Points: 10 of 100