%% texify: XeLaTeX + MakeIndex + BibTeX, modificated %% texify %% --pdf %% --engine=xelatex %% --tex-option=$synctexoption // You may delete this, affords to skip from preview to code in one click, that i seldom do %% --tex-option=-8bit // Else minted fails on tabs %% --tex-option=--shell-escape // For minted to live %% $fullname %% I prefer to build with TeXworks for better view of errors and warnings. It's hard to read all log file. \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{polyglossia} %% Better than babel on XeLaTeX \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} %% Cool math! \usepackage{color} %% Coloring almost anything \usepackage[russian]{hyperref} %% Clickable links is pdf %% WARNING: minted 2.0.alpha-3 is being used. Download from github! %% Works fine, though \usepackage{minted} %% Highlighting code. Installation is hard: requires python2 and script Pygments. Look at documentation for help! \usepackage{unicode-math} %% MAGIC! INCLUDE AS LAST! \setdefaultlanguage[spelling=modern]{russian} %% Languages for polyglossia \setotherlanguage{english} \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={TeX}} %% Fonts and ligatures. \setmainfont{CMU Serif} %% There are original Knuth's fonts in Unicode, called Computer Modern Unicode. Download anywhere, just install them \setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif} \setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text} \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math} %% Download too. You may change it :) %% Magic as black as my working table \DeclareSymbolFont{cyrletters}{\encodingdefault}{\familydefault}{m}{it} \newcommand{\makecyrmathletter}[1]{% \begingroup\lccode`a=#1\lowercase{\endgroup \Umathcode`a}="0 \csname symcyrletters\endcsname\space #1 } \count255="409 \loop\ifnum\count255<"44F \advance\count255 by 1 \makecyrmathletter{\count255} \repeat %% Simpy adds cyrillic to maths! \frenchspacing %% One space before sentence, not two! %% Shortcuts: \def\la{\leftarrow} \def\ra{\rightarrow} \def\lra{\leftrightarrow} \def\La{\Leftarrow} \def\Ra{\Rightarrow} \def\Lra{\Leftrightarrow} \def\lrh{\leftrightharpoons} \def\btu{\bigtriangleup} \def\And{\land} \def\Or{\lor} \def\Not{\lnot} \def\N{\mathbb{N}} \def\Z{\mathbb{Z}} \def\Q{\mathbb{Q}} \def\R{\mathbb{R}} \def\C{\mathbb{C}} \def\LraDef{\stackrel{\mathrm{Def}}{\Lra}} \def\eqDef{\stackrel{\mathrm{Def}}{=}} % ====================================== %% Change Chapter and Section numeration style \renewcommand{\thechapter}{\Roman{chapter}} \renewcommand{\thesection}{\thechapter.\arabic{section}} %% Indent for first par in chapter \makeatletter \renewcommand{\chapter}{\clearpage %% no double page, only \thispagestyle{empty}%% not plain, empty. wanna number of page! \global\@topnum=0 \@afterindenttrue %% Set to true! \secdef\@chapter\@schapter} \makeatother %% Environment for theorem body \newcounter{theorem}[section] \renewcommand{\thetheorem}{\thesection.\arabic{theorem}} \newcommand*{\theoremheader}[1]{\par\refstepcounter{theorem}% \textbf{Теорема \thetheorem.} #1} \newenvironment*{theorem}[1]{ \theoremheader{#1}% }{% } %% Environment for consequence body \newcounter{conseq}[theorem] \renewcommand{\theconseq}{\arabic{conseq}} \newcommand*{\conseqheader}{\par\refstepcounter{conseq}% \textit{Следствие \thetheorem.} } \newenvironment*{conseq}{ \conseqheader% }{% } %% Environment for proof body. I like this style, but you are free to change it. \newenvironment{proof}{% \par$\blacktriangleright$% }{% \hfill$\blacktriangleleft$% } %% Environment for definitions. Pretty raw one. \newenvironment{Def}{% \par$\mathfrak{Def\colon}$% }{% } %% Environment for remarks. \newenvironment{Rem}{% \par\textit{REM: }% }{% } % ================================== %% In-line code highlighting. Using: \py|a = input()| \newmintinline[cinl]{c}{} %\c is defined :( \newmintinline[cpp]{cpp}{} \newmintinline[python]{python}{} \newmintinline[bash]{bash}{} \newmintinline[make]{make}{} %% Escaped code highlighting. Using: \begin{cppcode} ... \end{cppcode} \newminted{c}{obeytabs,tabsize=4,linenos} \newminted{cpp}{obeytabs,tabsize=4,linenos} \newminted{python}{obeytabs,tabsize=4,linenos,texcomments} \newminted{bash}{obeytabs,tabsize=4,linenos} \newminted{make}{obeytabs,tabsize=4,linenos} % ================================== \begin{document} %% Write your doc here, or use \import / \include / anything alike. $$\text{Память: }M_{\text{доп}}(n) = \Theta(N)$$ $$\text{Память: }M_{доп}(n) = \mathit{\Theta}(N)$$ $$Русские^{не}{}_{сдаются}$$ \chapter{Вы любите отступы?} Так держите! Если хотите немного питона, делайте так: \python|import sys|. Если хотите много питона, то так: \begin{pythoncode} def gcd(a, b): # Да-да, табуляция работает! # Есть флаг texcomments для вставки \TeX-комманд в комментарии! while b != 0: a, b = b, a % b return a \end{pythoncode} \end{document}