// Sergey Kopeliovich (aka Burunduk1)
// 07.02.2013
// modification on the segment: version with templates

#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

const int maxn = 1 << 8;

int t[maxn * 2];
int add[maxn * 2];

// v = vertex, [vl..vr] = segment of the vertex, [L..R] = query
template <int v, int vl, int vr> 
struct Tree
  static int Get( int L, int R )
    if (vr < L || vl > R)
      return 0;
    if (L <= vl && vr <= R)
      return t[v];

    const int vm = (vl + vr) / 2;
    int sum = (min(R, vr) - max(L, vl) + 1) * add[v];
    sum += Tree<2 * v, vl, vm>::Get(L, R);
    sum += Tree<2 * v + 1, vm + 1, vr>::Get(L, R);
    return sum;

  static void Add( int L, int R, int x )
    if (vr < L || vl > R)
    if (L <= vl && vr <= R)
      add[v] += x;
      t[v] += x * (vr - vl + 1);

    const int vm = (vl + vr) / 2;
    Tree<2 * v, vl, vm>::Add(L, R, x);
    Tree<2 * v + 1, vm + 1, vr>::Add(L, R, x);
    t[v] = t[2 * v] + t[2 * v + 1] + add[v] * (vr - vl + 1);

template <int v, int vl> 
struct Tree<v, vl, vl>
  static int Get( int L, int R )
    return (L <= vl && vl <= R) ? t[v] : 0;
  static void Add( int L, int R, int x )
    if (L <= vl && vl <= R)
      add[v] += x, t[v] += x;

typedef Tree<1, 0, maxn - 1> T;

// Testing
int main()
  int L = 5, R = 10;
  T::Add(L, R, 30);
  printf("%d\n", T::Get(L, R));

  int N = (int)1e7;
  L = 1, R = 1;
  while (N--)
    L = L * 3, R = R * 7;
    L &= maxn - 1, R &= maxn - 1;
    T::Add(min(L, R), max(L, R), 1);
  printf("%d\n", T::Get(min(L, R), max(L, R)));
  printf("time = %.2f\n", 1. * clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  return 0;