ID | 05 |
Участник | Максим Ахмедов |
Тесты | 1-85 |
Ограничение времени | 0 |
Ограничение памяти | 0 |
№ | Код | Комментарий | Баллы |
1 | OK | ok found '2.2500000', expected '2.2500000', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 0 |
2 | OK | ok found '10000.0000000', expected '10000.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
3 | OK | ok found '500.0000000', expected '500.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
4 | OK | ok found '3.7500000', expected '3.7500000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
5 | OK | ok found '4.0625000', expected '4.0625000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
6 | OK | ok found '6219.1875000', expected '6219.1875000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
7 | OK | ok found '20.5000000', expected '20.5000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
8 | OK | ok found '1.7500000', expected '1.7500000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
9 | OK | ok found '15.0625000', expected '15.0625000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
10 | OK | ok found '14.4375000', expected '14.4375000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
11 | OK | ok found '17.4375000', expected '17.4375000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
12 | OK | ok found '14.3125000', expected '14.3125000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
13 | OK | ok found '9.0019531', expected '9.0019531', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
14 | OK | ok found '5750.2500000', expected '5750.2500000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
15 | OK | ok found '96.4531250', expected '96.4531250', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
16 | OK | ok found '1.9375000', expected '1.9375000', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
17 | OK | ok found '58.0019531', expected '58.0019531', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
18 | OK | ok found '56.5937500', expected '56.5937500', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
19 | OK | ok found '87.9863281', expected '87.9863281', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
20 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '55.6875000', found: '55.5625000', error = '0.0022447' | 0 из 1.19 |
21 | OK | ok found '14.0000610', expected '14.0000610', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
22 | OK | ok found '6812.5273438', expected '6812.5273440', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
23 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '222.3945313', found: '222.3476562', error = '0.0002108' | 0 из 1.19 |
24 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9765625', found: '1.9062500', error = '0.0355731' | 0 из 1.19 |
25 | OK | ok found '125.0000610', expected '125.0000610', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
26 | OK | ok found '123.5195312', expected '123.5195313', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
27 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '207.0815430', found: '207.0791016', error = '0.0000118' | 0 из 1.19 |
28 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '122.1289063', found: '122.0976562', error = '0.0002559' | 0 из 1.19 |
29 | OK | ok found '19.0000019', expected '19.0000019', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
30 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '6814.5488280', found: '6779.4882812', error = '0.0051450' | 0 из 1.19 |
31 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '392.8476563', found: '392.7382812', error = '0.0002784' | 0 из 1.19 |
32 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9296875', found: '1.8437500', error = '0.0445344' | 0 из 1.19 |
33 | OK | ok found '218.0000019', expected '218.0000019', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
34 | OK | ok found '216.5080566', expected '216.5080566', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
35 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '377.4271584', found: '377.2828522', error = '0.0003823' | 0 из 1.19 |
36 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '215.9111328', found: '215.7636719', error = '0.0006830' | 0 из 1.19 |
37 | OK | ok found '24.0000001', expected '24.0000001', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
38 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '7313.3671880', found: '7140.5312500', error = '0.0236329' | 0 из 1.19 |
39 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '618.4599609', found: '618.3769531', error = '0.0001342' | 0 из 1.19 |
40 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.8828125', found: '1.8359375', error = '0.0248963' | 0 из 1.19 |
41 | OK | ok found '335.0000001', expected '335.0000001', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
42 | OK | ok found '333.4134521', expected '333.4134521', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
43 | OK | ok found '597.7591975', expected '597.7594835', error '0.0000005' | 0 из 1.19 |
44 | OK | ok found '332.2924805', expected '332.2924805', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
45 | OK | ok found '44.0000000', expected '44.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
46 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '7652.9511720', found: '7613.1054688', error = '0.0052066' | 0 из 1.19 |
47 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '2014.0786130', found: '2014.0617676', error = '0.0000084' | 0 из 1.19 |
48 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9458008', found: '1.8593750', error = '0.0444166' | 0 из 1.19 |
49 | OK | ok found '1055.0000000', expected '1055.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
50 | OK | ok found '1053.3479198', expected '1053.3479200', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
51 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1977.8612480', found: '1977.8231611', error = '0.0000193' | 0 из 1.19 |
52 | OK | ok found '1052.8409796', expected '1052.8409800', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
53 | OK | ok found '65.0000000', expected '65.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
54 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '7846.0125730', found: '7822.6638184', error = '0.0029759' | 0 из 1.19 |
55 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '4345.1181030', found: '4343.6809692', error = '0.0003307' | 0 из 1.19 |
56 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9915771', found: '1.9296875', error = '0.0310757' | 0 из 1.19 |
57 | OK | ok found '2242.0000000', expected '2242.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
58 | OK | ok found '2240.2824313', expected '2240.2824310', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
59 | OK | ok found '4287.7329092', expected '4287.7330320', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
60 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '2239.1143260', found: '2239.0702860', error = '0.0000197' | 0 из 1.19 |
61 | OK | ok found '88.0000000', expected '88.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
62 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '8836.7068480', found: '8632.7158203', error = '0.0230845' | 0 из 1.19 |
63 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '7908.4096070', found: '7907.5095215', error = '0.0001138' | 0 из 1.19 |
64 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9989319', found: '1.9921875', error = '0.0033740' | 0 из 1.19 |
65 | OK | ok found '4047.0000000', expected '4047.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
66 | OK | ok found '4045.3553833', expected '4045.3553830', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
67 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '7829.4982590', found: '7829.3727702', error = '0.0000160' | 0 из 1.19 |
68 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '4044.4721430', found: '4044.4650222', error = '0.0000018' | 0 из 1.19 |
69 | OK | ok found '92.0000000', expected '92.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
70 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '8596.6691890', found: '8435.4929199', error = '0.0187487' | 0 из 1.19 |
71 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '8634.8023680', found: '8634.5529175', error = '0.0000289' | 0 из 1.19 |
72 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9962158', found: '1.9453125', error = '0.0254999' | 0 из 1.19 |
73 | OK | ok found '4415.0000000', expected '4415.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
74 | OK | ok found '4413.0985214', expected '4413.0985210', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
75 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '8553.4888300', found: '8553.3633719', error = '0.0000147' | 0 из 1.19 |
76 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '4411.1731130', found: '4410.8003722', error = '0.0000845' | 0 из 1.19 |
77 | OK | ok found '99.0000000', expected '99.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
78 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '9057.7691500', found: '8692.0591431', error = '0.0403753' | 0 из 1.19 |
79 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '9985.7353820', found: '9984.3246460', error = '0.0001413' | 0 из 1.19 |
80 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1.9836426', found: '1.9335938', error = '0.0252307' | 0 из 1.19 |
81 | OK | ok found '5098.0000000', expected '5098.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
82 | OK | ok found '5096.3418561', expected '5096.3418560', error '0.0000000' | 0 из 1.19 |
83 | OK | ok found '9897.9167399', expected '9897.9177160', error '0.0000001' | 0 из 1.19 |
84 | WA | wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '5093.7149730', found: '5093.4180975', error = '0.0000583' | 0 из 1.19 |
85 | OK | ok found '159.0000000', expected '159.0000000', error '0.0000000' | 1.19 из 1.19 |
Баллы: 43 из 100
Тесты | 1-20 |
Ограничение времени | 0 |
Ограничение памяти | 0 |
№ | Код | Комментарий | Баллы |
1 | OK | ok Total 176476 jumps | 0 из 0 |
2 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (0, 0) instead of (1000, 1000) | 0 из 5 |
3 | OK | ok Total 59053 jumps | 6 из 6 |
4 | OK | ok Total 101558 jumps | 6 из 6 |
5 | OK | ok Total 198515 jumps | 6 из 6 |
6 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (0, 0) instead of (1000000000000000000, 1000000000000000000) | 0 из 6 |
7 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (523425042978752007, 206650073225366174) instead of (674263042339355751, 853321437848831841) | 0 из 6 |
8 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (89621096118052467, 175345625975624411) instead of (2606051676138288, 126235771668201693) | 0 из 5 |
9 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (738906336927103895, 725324244690043387) instead of (903327638989325462, 470481496214790321) | 0 из 5 |
10 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (292920603902158988, 670805022575976007) instead of (769957451409911342, 745792049431221173) | 0 из 5 |
11 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (995306279693595858, 84568565421221434) instead of (721192338286740390, 9128950967253382) | 0 из 5 |
12 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (213174104687794914, 669992650054660437) instead of (39868604137283469, 461563310506886579) | 0 из 5 |
13 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (447557757823460846, 806100549095389607) instead of (815440818420235247, 596861089454182160) | 0 из 5 |
14 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (850918777733181326, 543452103980754865) instead of (855017001966367546, 838420702554642743) | 0 из 5 |
15 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (297469045423402190, 841399811737197318) instead of (472237116403426545, 788838512021333625) | 0 из 5 |
16 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (140209948098789160, 302742413984710967) instead of (528306410734005516, 728833442280770181) | 0 из 5 |
17 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (406605047546881149, 871269240846755978) instead of (250898963270752289, 993537566324694188) | 0 из 5 |
18 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (63004423589046106, 31177901395142811) instead of (393699078395247041, 713240611868897345) | 0 из 5 |
19 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (8820012754518446, 503535652211581193) instead of (188474288207242231, 512102716091609359) | 0 из 5 |
20 | WA | wrong answer Kitten ended his path at point (149647861082650151, 6807243337354464) instead of (156041843138219190, 42191060099050187) | 0 из 5 |
Баллы: 18 из 100
Тесты | 1-100 |
Ограничение времени | 0 |
Ограничение памяти | 0 |
№ | Код | Комментарий | Баллы |
1 | OK | ok 2 cities, 1.00000 | 1.000000 из 1 |
2 | OK | ok 1 cities, 0.00000 | 1.000000 из 1 |
3 | OK | ok 4 cities, 7.84162 | 1.000000 из 1 |
4 | OK | ok 6 cities, 19.93033 | 1.000000 из 1 |
5 | OK | ok 5 cities, 8.53732 | 1.000000 из 1 |
6 | OK | ok 15 cities, 42.68944 | 1.000000 из 1 |
7 | OK | ok 17 cities, 57.07663 | 1.000000 из 1 |
8 | OK | ok 8 cities, 96.97118 | 1.000000 из 1 |
9 | PC | ok 11 cities, 155.50159 | 0.250000 из 1 |
10 | PC | ok 17 cities, 291.66718 | 0.500000 из 1 |
11 | PC | ok 33 cities, 398.59623 | 0.000977 из 1 |
12 | PC | ok 40 cities, 483.31994 | 0.000004 из 1 |
13 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
14 | PC | ok 67 cities, 694.49955 | 0.000000 из 1 |
15 | PC | ok 71 cities, 777.17319 | 0.000000 из 1 |
16 | RE | Didn't exit (signal?) | 0 из 1 |
17 | RE | Didn't exit (signal?) | 0 из 1 |
18 | PC | ok 23 cities, 98.99495 | 0.000000 из 1 |
19 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
20 | PC | ok 50 cities, 240.76161 | 0.000000 из 1 |
21 | PC | ok 20 cities, 32.92588 | 0.250000 из 1 |
22 | OK | ok 9 cities, 11.89292 | 1.000000 из 1 |
23 | PC | ok 14 cities, 18.81256 | 0.500000 из 1 |
24 | PC | ok 8 cities, 7.82843 | 0.500000 из 1 |
25 | PC | ok 12 cities, 18.73454 | 0.125000 из 1 |
26 | OK | ok 9 cities, 10.82843 | 1.000000 из 1 |
27 | PC | ok 22 cities, 37.37451 | 0.125000 из 1 |
28 | PC | ok 23 cities, 49.18344 | 0.250000 из 1 |
29 | PC | ok 19 cities, 41.31371 | 0.250000 из 1 |
30 | PC | ok 16 cities, 24.44031 | 0.003906 из 1 |
31 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
32 | PC | ok 38 cities, 128.60822 | 0.000001 из 1 |
33 | PC | ok 31 cities, 103.95037 | 0.000000 из 1 |
34 | PC | ok 33 cities, 85.78620 | 0.000001 из 1 |
35 | PC | ok 53 cities, 208.90958 | 0.000000 из 1 |
36 | PC | ok 44 cities, 130.91189 | 0.000122 из 1 |
37 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
38 | PC | ok 79 cities, 271.07783 | 0.000031 из 1 |
39 | PC | ok 62 cities, 265.88067 | 0.000000 из 1 |
40 | PC | ok 40 cities, 133.62050 | 0.000000 из 1 |
41 | PC | ok 58 cities, 413.27625 | 0.000015 из 1 |
42 | PC | ok 23 cities, 142.78373 | 0.000122 из 1 |
43 | PC | ok 27 cities, 139.52538 | 0.062500 из 1 |
44 | PC | ok 32 cities, 101.44044 | 0.007813 из 1 |
45 | PC | ok 34 cities, 247.79956 | 0.000031 из 1 |
46 | PC | ok 27 cities, 151.71299 | 0.003906 из 1 |
47 | PC | ok 58 cities, 416.93209 | 0.000001 из 1 |
48 | PC | ok 49 cities, 346.68490 | 0.000000 из 1 |
49 | PC | ok 59 cities, 574.67577 | 0.000008 из 1 |
50 | PC | ok 34 cities, 180.32271 | 0.000000 из 1 |
51 | PC | ok 24 cities, 368.93321 | 0.125000 из 1 |
52 | PC | ok 13 cities, 136.01135 | 0.500000 из 1 |
53 | PC | ok 16 cities, 193.90385 | 0.125000 из 1 |
54 | PC | ok 10 cities, 90.66055 | 0.125000 из 1 |
55 | PC | ok 16 cities, 207.89858 | 0.500000 из 1 |
56 | PC | ok 14 cities, 130.52691 | 0.500000 из 1 |
57 | PC | ok 30 cities, 334.83858 | 0.500000 из 1 |
58 | OK | ok 31 cities, 480.21503 | 1.000000 из 1 |
59 | PC | ok 25 cities, 513.13708 | 0.125000 из 1 |
60 | PC | ok 18 cities, 126.02000 | 0.000244 из 1 |
61 | PC | ok 46 cities, 517.99689 | 0.003906 из 1 |
62 | PC | ok 20 cities, 189.83763 | 0.125000 из 1 |
63 | PC | ok 21 cities, 192.11718 | 0.062500 из 1 |
64 | PC | ok 21 cities, 122.57696 | 0.015625 из 1 |
65 | PC | ok 27 cities, 311.96999 | 0.001953 из 1 |
66 | PC | ok 20 cities, 177.43043 | 0.015625 из 1 |
67 | PC | ok 60 cities, 505.94290 | 0.500000 из 1 |
68 | PC | ok 37 cities, 486.81335 | 0.000000 из 1 |
69 | PC | ok 52 cities, 774.29990 | 0.031250 из 1 |
70 | PC | ok 32 cities, 161.07997 | 0.000000 из 1 |
71 | PC | ok 53 cities, 607.69911 | 0.000000 из 1 |
72 | PC | ok 30 cities, 222.22106 | 0.000977 из 1 |
73 | PC | ok 27 cities, 195.43152 | 0.007813 из 1 |
74 | PC | ok 33 cities, 153.76384 | 0.015625 из 1 |
75 | PC | ok 38 cities, 373.85799 | 0.000061 из 1 |
76 | PC | ok 29 cities, 229.14865 | 0.007813 из 1 |
77 | PC | ok 67 cities, 608.95356 | 0.000000 из 1 |
78 | PC | ok 63 cities, 484.61866 | 0.000000 из 1 |
79 | PC | ok 66 cities, 900.53004 | 0.000008 из 1 |
80 | PC | ok 43 cities, 194.04499 | 0.000000 из 1 |
81 | PC | ok 65 cities, 653.50476 | 0.000000 из 1 |
82 | PC | ok 29 cities, 243.07705 | 0.000122 из 1 |
83 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
84 | PC | ok 34 cities, 155.77887 | 0.000122 из 1 |
85 | PC | ok 46 cities, 390.33339 | 0.000061 из 1 |
86 | PC | ok 30 cities, 238.39365 | 0.003906 из 1 |
87 | PC | ok 71 cities, 643.95067 | 0.000000 из 1 |
88 | PC | ok 60 cities, 491.97324 | 0.000000 из 1 |
89 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
90 | PC | ok 47 cities, 202.02020 | 0.000000 из 1 |
91 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
92 | PC | ok 27 cities, 247.92464 | 0.000031 из 1 |
93 | PC | ok 21 cities, 190.82701 | 0.000061 из 1 |
94 | PC | ok 35 cities, 165.76996 | 0.000122 из 1 |
95 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
96 | PC | ok 29 cities, 245.90766 | 0.000977 из 1 |
97 | PC | ok 79 cities, 629.54040 | 0.000000 из 1 |
98 | TL | 0 из 1 | |
99 | PC | ok 72 cities, 1037.27005 | 0.000000 из 1 |
100 | TL | 0 из 1 |
Баллы: 17 из 100
Тесты |