ID | 13 |
Участник | Дмитрий Великанов |
Тесты |
Тесты | 1-73 |
Ограничение времени | 0 |
Ограничение памяти | 0 |
№ | Код | Комментарий | Баллы |
1 | OK | ok answer is 30 | 0 из 0 |
2 | OK | ok answer is 1 | 1 из 1 |
3 | OK | ok answer is 3 | 1 из 1 |
4 | OK | ok answer is 3 | 0 из 1 |
5 | OK | ok answer is 1 | 0 из 1 |
6 | OK | ok answer is 4 | 0 из 1 |
7 | OK | ok answer is 6 | 0 из 1 |
8 | WA | wrong answer expected 12, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
9 | WA | wrong answer expected 12, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
10 | WA | wrong answer expected 321169752, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
11 | WA | wrong answer expected 321169752, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
12 | WA | wrong answer expected 321169752, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
13 | WA | wrong answer expected 321169752, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
14 | WA | wrong answer expected 321169752, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
15 | WA | wrong answer expected 321169752, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
16 | WA | wrong answer expected 233694196, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
17 | WA | wrong answer expected 233694196, found 1 | 0 из 1 |
18 | WA | wrong answer expected 1814400, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
19 | WA | wrong answer expected 360, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
20 | WA | wrong answer expected 25200, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
21 | WA | wrong answer expected 360, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
22 | WA | wrong answer expected 140261063, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
23 | WA | wrong answer expected 311541647, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
24 | WA | wrong answer expected 939020872, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
25 | WA | wrong answer expected 351069489, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
26 | WA | wrong answer expected 761600076, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
27 | WA | wrong answer expected 858671960, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
28 | WA | wrong answer expected 111442468, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
29 | WA | wrong answer expected 222282969, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
30 | WA | wrong answer expected 785101762, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
31 | WA | wrong answer expected 224509176, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
32 | WA | wrong answer expected 47190846, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
33 | WA | wrong answer expected 377257524, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
34 | WA | wrong answer expected 576385901, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
35 | WA | wrong answer expected 873931358, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
36 | WA | wrong answer expected 970835869, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
37 | WA | wrong answer expected 906693688, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
38 | WA | wrong answer expected 568872456, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
39 | WA | wrong answer expected 786029228, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
40 | WA | wrong answer expected 747944371, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
41 | WA | wrong answer expected 233423903, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
42 | WA | wrong answer expected 512618327, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
43 | WA | wrong answer expected 172745502, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
44 | WA | wrong answer expected 604318720, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
45 | WA | wrong answer expected 495574654, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
46 | WA | wrong answer expected 749055930, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
47 | WA | wrong answer expected 745614404, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
48 | WA | wrong answer expected 306343628, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
49 | WA | wrong answer expected 774963259, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
50 | WA | wrong answer expected 321678114, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
51 | WA | wrong answer expected 716459738, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
52 | WA | wrong answer expected 524193763, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
53 | WA | wrong answer expected 333629639, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
54 | WA | wrong answer expected 876027232, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
55 | WA | wrong answer expected 519248803, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
56 | WA | wrong answer expected 4635148, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
57 | WA | wrong answer expected 164261792, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
58 | WA | wrong answer expected 894022875, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
59 | WA | wrong answer expected 158508344, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
60 | WA | wrong answer expected 384860578, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
61 | WA | wrong answer expected 63800997, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
62 | WA | wrong answer expected 220271780, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
63 | WA | wrong answer expected 680322830, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
64 | WA | wrong answer expected 174979643, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
65 | WA | wrong answer expected 717624447, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
66 | WA | wrong answer expected 143170431, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
67 | WA | wrong answer expected 811345694, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
68 | WA | wrong answer expected 156298793, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
69 | WA | wrong answer expected 822508559, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
70 | WA | wrong answer expected 646416225, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
71 | WA | wrong answer expected 764813065, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
72 | OK | ok answer is 1 | 1.5 из 1.5 |
73 | WA | wrong answer expected 733070967, found 1 | 0 из 1.5 |
Баллы: 4 из 100
Тесты |
Тесты | 1-26 |
Ограничение времени | 0 |
Ограничение памяти | 0 |
№ | Код | Комментарий | Баллы |
1 | OK | ok aab | 0 из 0 |
2 | OK | ok a | 2.5 из 2.5 |
3 | OK | ok b | 2.5 из 2.5 |
4 | WA | wrong answer bcc instead of ccc | 0 из 2.5 |
5 | WA | wrong answer acccc instead of bcaca | 0 из 2.5 |
6 | WA | wrong answer bccccc instead of cccbbb | 0 из 2.5 |
7 | WA | wrong answer acccccc instead of aaabbcac | 0 из 2.5 |
8 | WA | wrong answer aabcccccc instead of acbbabcaa | 0 из 2.5 |
9 | WA | wrong answer acccccccc instead of cccaabbcb | 0 из 2.5 |
10 | WA | wrong answer abccccccccc instead of cccbbbacbac | 0 из 2.5 |
11 | WA | wrong answer acccccccccc instead of abbccbaacbaa | 0 из 2.5 |
12 | WA | wrong answer accccccccccccccccccc instead of cbacbabcacbacabbbcaccb | 0 из 5 |
13 | WA | wrong answer aaacccccccccccccccccc instead of abccabbcaccabaacbcbcaba | 0 из 5 |
14 | WA | wrong answer aaccccccccccccccccccc instead of bacbcbacabcbcaabbbccaab | 0 из 5 |
15 | WA | wrong answer acccccccccccccccccccc instead of cccbbbacbacbacbacbacbac | 0 из 5 |
16 | WA | wrong answer acccccccccccccccccccc instead of abacabcabcabcbcbaacacbca | 0 из 5 |
17 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
18 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
19 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
20 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
21 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
22 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
23 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
24 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
25 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
26 | RT | Exit code 217 | 0 из 5 |
Баллы: 5 из 100